Thursday, October 16, 2014

Painted Glass Window

Well this project kind of came together by accident.  I wanted to frost my hallway/porch windows.  First I was gonna use some projects that I saw on Pinterest, then I was just going to spray frost them.  I ended up doing this.

You can see that my porch/hallway window was very blah and really had no view other then the neighbors garage and tree.  We like to stack our firewood next to it during the winter so we really didn't want to hang curtains.  My first thought was to get some spray frost and frost them, but I read somewhere that the clear Con-tact Magic Cover has a frosting effect on windows.  I had just saw some at the dollar store so figured what the heck... I would only be out a few dollars.

This is what the window looked like when I put the Con-tact Magic Cover on it.  It was pretty simple I just used the back of the Con-tact Magic Cover with the grid and cut the squares to size.  I then decided to paint an owl by just sliding a picture I liked under the contact paper and just using some watered down acrylic paint to paint it.  Even though it did its job it still seemed quite plain.

I then took a little watered down acrylic paint and in a swirling motion painted all the window pieces and I loved it.  The paint and Con-tact Magic Cover paper gave the window a matte look so I took some gloss varnish and I painted over them all as well.  When the sun shines through it looks beaHOOTiful.

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