Friday, December 26, 2014

21 Day Fix Diet Daily Tally Sheets

Well I am super excited to start the 21 Day Fix diet system.  Anyone who knows me knows I have put on weight and taken it off many many many times in my life.  After this holiday season I am literally sick of eating and I can't wait to start the new system.

I have created these check off sheets to use.  I am going to laminate them and mark them off daily with either dry erase markers or dry erase crayons to make sure I am not eating too much or little. :)

NOTE: The equation for figuring out your calorie level is.

1. Your Current Weight (ex. 150) x 11 = Baseline

2. Baseline + 400 (Fix Calorie Burn) = Calorie Needs

3. Calorie Needs - 750 = Calorie Target (download you will need)